Feature Freeze and bug fix releases

Luke Yelavich themuso at themuso.com
Thu Feb 14 22:19:30 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 04:05:18AM EST, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> We no longer have upstream version freeze, we have feature freeze, so I wonder 
> about upstream releases that just have bug fixes.  IIRC when the new freeze 
> structure was created there was some discussion about this.
> Speaking for myself (not as part of motu-release, because we haven't discussed 
> it), I think we generally want bug fix releases for a while.  Here is my 
> proposal:
> Up through Alpha 6, if a MOTU believes upload of a new upstream release that 
> just has bug fixes in it is warranted, they may upload it.  File a bug in LP 
> with the upstream change log entries in it and mark it fix released when the 
> upload is done to document that it was bug fix only.  If you have doubts 
> about if something qualifies, check with a member of motu-release (or 
> subscribe motu-release to the bug) and if one person from motu-release agrees 
> it's a bug fix update, you're good for upload.
> Comments?

I agree we need to have a discussion as a team, but this sounds sane to me.
- -- 
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at themuso.com
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