Feature Freeze and bug fix releases

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 14 21:11:29 GMT 2008

Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Thursday 14 February 2008 15:43, Michael Bienia wrote:
>> On 2008-02-14 12:05:18 -0500, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>>> Up through Alpha 6, if a MOTU believes upload of a new upstream release
>>> that just has bug fixes in it is warranted, they may upload it.  File a
>>> bug in LP with the upstream change log entries in it and mark it fix
>>> released when the upload is done to document that it was bug fix only.
>> What's the purpose of those bug filings? If it's for catching wrong
>> bugfix releases, then that's only works if someone regularly checks
>> those bugs and has time to raise a veto.
>> Michael
> My idea of the purpose is to ensure people take the time to think through what 
> they are doing.  If you have to write it down in a bug (even if just 
> copy/paste) and put your name on it, you're more likely to have thought it 
> through.
> Scott K

Another option I'm thinking which would be in the middle of having to do some
paperwork when it shouldn't be necessary and not thinking about it or not
checking it is to listen all the changes from upstream NEWS or ChangeLog (if the
list is reasonable) in debian/changelog. We already do that in the DesktopTeam
even if we don't have Freezes. Would that make sense?


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