package archive inconsistent

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Tue Feb 12 13:17:58 GMT 2008

On Tuesday 12 February 2008 03:39, Hadmut Danisch wrote:
> Scott Kitterman schrieb:
> >> PPA has nothing to do with MOTU - please don't report their bugs here.
> >>
> >> Hobbsee
> >
> > To go a bit further, it's nothing to do with Ubuntu at all.  3rd party
> > repositories are completely unsupported even when they happen to be
> > hosted on the same service Ubuntu uses.
> Well, then the question is why the control of that particular package tells
>   Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu at>
> (How should one recognize that this is wrong and that reports are not to
> be sent
> to this address?)
> regards
> Hadmut

I'd suggest that the fact that it's a address for the archive 
and not could tell you that.  I agree it's a very subtle point for 
people who aren't involved in Ubuntu development.

Scott K

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