More granular LP permissions

Scott Ritchie scott at
Sun Apr 6 02:07:17 BST 2008

Stefan Potyra wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Samstag 05 April 2008 10:27:49 schrieb Scott Ritchie:
> [..]
>>> I think there are some wishlist reports already filed about a more
>>> granular permission concept, if not, let's do it together and formulate
>>> a clear proposal.
>> I'd like to echo my desire for team PPAs to have configurable access.  I
>> want members in a team for bug reporting purposes, but not to have
>> upload rights to the team PPA.
> what about using two separate teams, one for bug reporting purposes and one 
> for PPA access?

While that would function as a workaround, it complicates things by
requiring multiple teams which could lead to some confusion, especially
if things like bugs and mailing list messages start getting split
between the teams.

Scott Ritchie

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