PPA and packaging 101

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at canonical.com
Thu Sep 6 14:43:57 BST 2007

Hi Jordan,

Jordan Mantha wrote:

> It seems to me like there is quite a number of people wanting to use
> PPAs and during today's Launchpad Users meeting (the short time I was
> there) there were quite a few questions/problems when it came to PPAs.
> I would like to propose a joint MOTU/Launchpad IRC session where
> people can lean the basics of packaging that they will need for using
> PPAs and the specifics of using a PPA. Does this sound interesting?

This is a superb idea. Thanks for proposing it!

> I would like to have at least cprov and a couple of MOTUs to be
> leading the session. Any volunteers? When is a good time for people? I
> think cprov is currently on vacation so I'm thinking next week, maybe
> Wednesday or Thursday (if cprov is back that is).
> It would probably be nice to do one of these a couple times a release.
> It's beneficial for the Launchpad folks as the MOTU have lots of
> packaging knowledge and it's good for the MOTUs as they might snag
> some new contributors ;-)

You'd like to see a PPA session a couple of times per Launchpad release? 
Or per Ubuntu release?

Matthew Revell - talk to me about Launchpad
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