PPA and packaging 101

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 6 05:19:10 BST 2007

Forwarding this to the MOTU and LP lists as I only replied to Jordan earlier.
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Subject: Re: PPA and packaging 101
Date: Wednesday 05 September 2007
From: "Richard A. Johnson" <nixternal at ubuntu.com>
To: mantha at ubuntu.com

On Wednesday 05 September 2007, Jordan Mantha wrote:
| Hi all!
| It seems to me like there is quite a number of people wanting to use
| PPAs and during today's Launchpad Users meeting (the short time I was
| there) there were quite a few questions/problems when it came to PPAs.
| I would like to propose a joint MOTU/Launchpad IRC session where
| people can lean the basics of packaging that they will need for using
| PPAs and the specifics of using a PPA. Does this sound interesting?

Sounds like a plan to me.

| I would like to have at least cprov and a couple of MOTUs to be
| leading the session. Any volunteers? When is a good time for people? I
| think cprov is currently on vacation so I'm thinking next week, maybe
| Wednesday or Thursday (if cprov is back that is).

I am game. Wednesdays are quite hectic for me. My only open time is between 
19:00 and 23:00 UTC, and then anytime after 04:00 UTC. Thursdays are good for 
me, as I am only busy from 13:00 until around 18:00 UTC and then open the 
rest of the day. That is assuming I am cool enough to be in your gang :)

| It would probably be nice to do one of these a couple times a release.
| It's beneficial for the Launchpad folks as the MOTU have lots of
| packaging knowledge and it's good for the MOTUs as they might snag
| some new contributors ;-)

OpenWeek(s) would be a good time. Try and get one at the beginning of a 
development cycle where MOTU won't be at their busiest, and 1 towards the end 
of the development cycle where MOTUs are running around like mice on red 

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124


Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
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