timeline for full archive freeze

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Fri Oct 12 20:50:22 BST 2007

On Friday 12 October 2007 15:34, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a quick note to let everyone know the timeline for the gutsy
> freeze. To ensure a successful build of all release images in time for
> Thursday's scheduled release, the CD building process will begin on Monday
> after 18:00 UTC.  Since main must be frozen at that time, we will be
> freezing universe as well so that the gutsy-updates queue can be set up in
> parallel to the CD building.
> This means that any fixes that you are targetting for gutsy need to be
> uploaded with enough lead time to be reviewed by the release team,
> accepted, and built by the buildds prior to 18:00 UTC on Monday.  As a
> fuzzy deadline, I would suggest aiming to have packages uploaded to gutsy
> by 10:00 UTC, and preferably well before that.

Since Universe packages don't go on the CD, we can (for critical things) have 
a little more time.  This may go into Wednesday, but don't count on it.  Plan 
to have all your uploads done by the release manager's deadline above.

For Universe/Multiverse uploads after the RM deadline, approval by motu-uvf is 
required (this is for all uploads during the hard freeze).  If can find out 
who we are to hunt us down on IRC here:


Subscribing bugs to motu-uvf is the preferred method of contact, but after the 
hard freeze, I'm good with whatever works.

This was discussed on IRC among the available motu-uvf members, so is subject 
to change is those not present at the discussion object.

Scott K

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