RFC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging (Was: Re: WANTED: Merging Recipe!)

Morten Kjeldgaard mok at bioxray.dk
Thu Nov 22 13:48:57 GMT 2007

> There is also http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php which, while unofficial, 
> has the advantage of having comments so people can give status of what's 
> going on.
Which actually illustrates my point: there's dad and mom and revu and 
wiki and launchpad and a number of other ad hoc services only known to 
the especially initiated  developers and some which duplicate functions 
of others.

Even though I am not a great fan of LP, it would make sense to transfer 
the task of at least some of the "ad-hoc sites" to there. For example, 
when generating the list of packages that need merging, it should *in 
principle* be possible to report these *automatically* as "Please-merge" 
bugs in LP, so the workflow could pivot around that. That would get rid 
of mom and dad for starters.

 I realize that the workflow has probably evolved slowly along with the 
MOTU population, but take this as a "fresh look" at the process. It 
needs to be revised IMHO.


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