Ubuntu Universe Sponsors Queue

Sarah Hobbs hobbsee at kubuntu.org
Mon Nov 5 13:50:28 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

> Hey all,
> After a long time, i've decided to give up being the admin of the Ubuntu
> Universe Sponsorship queue, as has Steve Kowalik.
> Consequently, the queue is now looking for some more administrators.
> Daniel Holbach has kindly stepped up to fill one of the roles.  Other
> people who are willing to make sure that the queue is running well are
> very welcome.
> Responsibilities of the queue include:
> * Making sure that the queue is being processed in a reasonably quick
> fashion, following the required freezes, processes, etc.
> * Processing some of the bugs in the queue yourself
> * Reminding other MOTUs to help process the bugs in the queue, similar
> to a REVU day, perhaps
> * Deal with any rogue contributors to the queue, escalating to higher
> levels of authority if required
> * Process any moderated mails on the mailing list
> If anyone's interested, please send me a mail.
> Hobbsee

Thank you to Emmet Hikory, Luke Yelavich, and Andrea Veri for stepping
up to take on this reponsibility.

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