version conflict in feisty universe libsdl-sound1.2
Adrien Cunin
adri2000 at
Thu Mar 15 22:57:55 GMT 2007
Le vendredi 16 mars 2007 à 11:29 +1300, Rob van der Linde a écrit :
> Hi all, I've been trying to install dosbox for some time in Feisty, but
> it won't let me, I thought I might report this, in hope it may be fixed
> before the final release. Here's the problem.
> Try to install dosbox using synaptic, you get:
> dosbox:
> Depends: libsdl-sound1.2 but it is not going to be installed
> So I followed the problem to it's source, and tried to install just
> libsdl-sound1.2, here's what I got:
> libsdl-sound1.2:
> Depends: libdirectfb-0.9-24 but it is not installable
> Now the only version of libdirectfb I can see in the repository is
> libdirectfb-0.9-25 which is currently installed on my machine. There is
> no libdirectfb-0.9-24, so I believe the libsdl-sound1.2 package needs
> updating?
Thanks for reporting the problem.
libsdl-sound1.2 needs to be rebuilt to update its dependencies. This
issue is reported as bug #92576 [0].
I've just uploaded that:
libsdl-sound1.2 (1.0.1-12build1) feisty; urgency=low
* Rebuild for new libdirectfb (LP: #92576)
We are currently in beta freeze so it may take some time to reach the
Adrien Cunin aka Adri2000
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