Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Wed Jun 27 10:50:53 BST 2007

Hello Marek,

Am Mittwoch, den 27.06.2007, 11:34 +0200 schrieb Marek Slama:
> last update 5.5.1-2 for NB 5.5.1 is already in Gutsy and I just finished 
> testing. (I already asked our QA to verify it.)
> I read

I'm still not quite sure that a stable release update is the right thing
to do. The diff is huge (compared to the version in feisty) and not
remotely eyeball-able. I think that might make more sense.

I CC the ubuntu-motu@ list, to get more opinions on this one.

If you still want to try to make it through the SRU process, I can
answer your questions.

>           * Does it mean that I have to create separate changelog
> entry
>             for update? Now I have 5.5.1-2 for gutsy.

Yes, maybe 5.5.1-2~proposed1 (For the upload to feisty-proposed) and
5.5.1-2~update1 (for the upload to feisty-updates).

>             What is 'upload target'? ie. how should I upload updated
>             source package?

In debian/changelog your current upload target is 'gutsy'. For the
upload to -proposed change it to feisty-proposed, then to
feisty-updates, if it got sufficiently tested

>             What original version should I use as base?

The one that is currently in feisty.

If you have any more questions, let me (and the list) know.

Have a nice day,

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