python-soappy, fpconst, and a new package.

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Tue Jan 30 09:00:35 GMT 2007

CC'ed Ed Boras, Maintainer of python-soappy in debian, and Russ Allbery,
the last NMUer of the package. Also CC'ed the debian-python mailing list
for deeper insight about packaging python modules.

Luke Yelavich <themuso at> writes:
> Hi all
> I am looking into packaging jack_mixer, requested by the upstream 
> developer on IRC. One of its dependancies is the fpconst module.
> As it happens, fpconst can be found in the python-soappy package, which 
> ahs nothing at all to do with jack_mixer, which is an audio application.
> I am wondering where we go from here. Do we separate out fpconst as a 
> separate package, and have python-soappy depend on that, or should I 
> place a copy of fpconst in with the new jack_mixer package?
> Thoughts and suggestions welcome.

Looking at bugs like, I'd say it
makes much sense to have a separate python-fpconst package. I wonder if
it makes sense to make the python-soappy package provide the extra
binary package, or if it should go out of python-soappy and create a
new source package. 

Ed, Russ, can we hear your opinion on this?

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4
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