debian/rules and *.spec files already exist

Dan Roberts ademan555 at
Wed Jan 24 20:55:37 GMT 2007

I've been wanting to package Code::Blocks in time for fiesty, I'm
currently talking to the devs about this.  As it turns out their SVN
repository actually houses more stable code than their last stable
release (there's been a substantial rewrite).  However, regardless of
any of that, their source tree contains information needed to create
binary packages for several package managers, including deb and rpm.  So
my question is, for the *.orig.tgz should i remove these files?

Additionally, their source tree contains 4 or 5 very distinct pieces of
functionality, including a SDK, am I "allowed" to chop it up to form a
codeblocks package and a codeblocks-dev and whatever else I see fit? Or
should i create multiple packages from the original source tree?


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