WayV Package

Gabriel C gabriel_inv at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Dec 15 04:06:10 GMT 2007

Hi to all,

I have installed some applications to optimize the mouse use, one of them wayV.
Before installation I type wayv in my console and they shows me:
$ wayV version 0.3

and freeze there, no responds to any mouse or keyboard command...
in others words.. not works...

Looking the code I only con see the program stops in line:
XNextEvent(video->display, &event);

But not recover any event...

I have seen similar behavior in the programs GOK and Dasher.
The first one not respond when I click on buttons,
and Dasher cant write in other windows...

My configuration:
Ubuntu 6.10 64bits, Generic Mouse. On AMD64.

Here is a mail exchange whit Mike Bennett, wayV author:
They will be looking at the problem around Christmas.
If you can give us any help would be great.


> On 6 Dec 2007, at 03:22, User Designer Contact Form wrote:


>> From......: Eibriel

>> Email.....: gabriel_inv at yahoo.com.ar

>> Url.......:


>> Hi!

>> Mi name is Gabriel Caraballo and I have found your program Wayv, I

>> have install them in order to use whit my tablet but i could not

>> made run.

>> I configure them, and run them, but the program no respond to any

>> event (except for Windows close).

>> I have read the code and no found any problem... it stops on

>> XNextEvent(video->display, &event); waiting...

>> If you know any problem whit my configuration ¿can you tell me

>> where is the problem?.

>> If you think they must work please tell me too, I will search the

>> problem on another way...


>> Thanks!

>> Gabriel.


>> PPD:

>> My configuration:

>> Ubuntu 6.10 64bits, Generic Mouse. On AMD64.


>> PPPD:

>> I'm sorry for my English... is too poor..

> Hi Eibriel


> Thanks for your email about wayV.


> Does wayV capture any mouse movements? Have you tried having wayV run

> in its own window? This can be done with the configuration file set

> to use a managed (managed = yes) display (display = 0, 0, 100, 100).


> I hope that helps?


> Thanks for the video links :)


> Your English is great!


> All the best,

> Mike



Thanks for you response!
Using a managed window the program have the same behavior...
Starting them as root too...

Using Compiz Fusion wayV shows that error:
wayV version 0.3
X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private
 resource denied)
  Major opcode of failed request:  28 (X_GrabButton)
  Serial number of failed request:  17
  Current serial number in output stream:  20

You can see some Bugs Reports on this 'little' link whit more

Maybe something on ubuntu has change and the code need a little
Strange.. because the .deb package is in the repositories..

I will trying mail to the mantainer group: ubuntu-motu at lists.ubuntu.com

Thank a lot!

Hi Gabriel
> Using Compiz Fusion wayV shows that error:
> wayV version 0.3
> X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private
>  resource denied)
>   Major opcode of failed request:  28 (X_GrabButton)
>   Serial number of failed request:  17
>   Current serial number in output stream:  20

Ok - that sounds like wayV is getting blocked from watching for  
keyboard and mouse events. This could be because of a change in X  
windows security model or another application, such as a window  
manager, has grabbed an event resource that wayV wants. IIRC the  
XTest extension may be required for some event grabs BUT its been a  
long while since I looked at that part of the code.

Could you send me a copy of you wayv.conf file? Also what window  
manager you are using?

> You can see some Bugs Reports on this 'little' link whit more
>  information:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wayv/+bugs? 
> nfirmed&field.status=Triaged&field.status=In 
> +Progress&field.status=Fix+Committed&field.status=Fix 
> +Released&field.status=Invalid&field.status=Won%27t 
> +Fix&field.omit_dupes.used=

Thats a good link for helping me understand the problem. Since its  
always occurring in Drapper I should be able to reproduce the  
problem. I'm really busy till the 21st of this month writing a  
conference paper but after that I'll setup Drapper and see if I can  
reproduce and fix the problem. I'll let you know how that goes. In  
the meantime if you have any more luck tracing it down please let me  

> I will trying mail to the mantainer group: ubuntu-motu at lists.ubuntu.com

If you do please let them know I will be looking at the problem  
around Christmas, and let me know if they have any insights.

All the best,

      Tarjeta de crédito Yahoo! de Banco Supervielle.
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