REVU still down - Can't update sdlmame package

cjsmo cjsmo at
Thu Aug 16 23:42:47 BST 2007

Stefan Potyra wrote:
> Hi Cesare,
> Am Donnerstag 16 August 2007 17:55:02 schrieb Cesare Falco:
>> Hi all there,
>> I have updated my package for SDLMame, which still lies in REVU, but I
>> obviously have no way to upload it as the server is still down.
>> Is there any way I can get it published for reviewing (i.e. another server
>> where I can upload it)?
> If the package is small enough (<= 5Mb) and you can live with some delays, 
> just send it to me, I'll put it to my server then. 
> Please note, that you might get a faster hosting service by asking around on 
> #ubuntu-motu though ;)
> Cheers,
>     Stefan.
Does this offer apply to everyone who has a package that is less than 
5MB.  I to have a package in REVU and have made some changes to it but 
are unable to upload to REVU due to it being down.


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