MOTU todo list

Jordan Mantha mantha at
Tue Oct 31 22:49:19 GMT 2006

Hi everybody!
  While we are seem to be rolling on the list here I've got some things
that maybe we should discuss before feisty really starts going.

1. SRU Policy [0] - we seem to have it pretty nailed down. do we need to
have a MOTU meeting to finalize it or are we good to go?

2. MOTU School [1] -  we should start the sessions up again so we have
contributors ready to rock on feisty. We need topics and especially
contributors. I think we probably should have a "How to use" session fairly soon (right after UDS?). Please sign
up to teach a lesson if you can.

3. MOTU Wiki cleanup - We have over 100 wiki pages in CategoryMOTU [2]
and many of the pages are obsolete or at least need to be updated. If
anybody has been working on particular pages in the past please take a
few minutes to make sure they are updated.

4. MOTU Meeting - we should have a MOTU meeting sometime soon (not sure
if there is time before or during UDS). In particular I'd like to
discuss some stuff I've been working on to identify and correct
potential issues in the MOTU workflow. I'm working on [3] if anybody
wants to contribute comments or suggestions.

Anything else we should take care of soonish? I'd like MOTU to get
feisty with Feisty and rock the user community with the most stable,
up-to-date, and usable Universe yet. Starting the development cycle
right will help a lot, IMO.

Suggestions, comments, flames? :-)



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