GnuPG keys on REVU / LP integration process

Raphaël Pinson raphink at
Fri Jun 30 19:30:19 BST 2006

Hi guys, 

Since the new system of getting GnuPG keys of REVU uploaders from LP has been 
set, there have been key problems with people who had already uploaded to 
REVU, but are not in the ubuntu-universe-contributors group.

People who are already members of the following groups are members of 
ubuntu-universe-contributors by default (indirectly, but still) :
  - REVU Admins
  - REVU Hackers
  - Ubuntu Core Development Team
  - Ubuntu Develoment Team
  - Ubuntu Technical Board

Since the ubuntu-universe-contributors group is going to be the reference for 
REVU upload rights from now on, I suggest every people who are already 
registered into REVU and are not members of the previously listed groups 
request to be added to the ubuntu-universe-group, so we rebuild the keyring 



P.S.: the system still requires to run an update of the keyring manually after 
users have been added to the group on LP and I don't want to set a crontab on 
this command (all the more that we know when we accept people in the team) so 
don't expect to regain your REVU upload rights immediatly after being added 
into the team.

Raphaël Pinson
<raphink at>
Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings
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