UVF exception - soundconverter 0.8.3

Sebastian Dröge mail at slomosnail.de
Sun Jan 29 10:44:38 GMT 2006

Am Sonntag, den 22.01.2006, 11:38 +0100 schrieb Daniel Holbach:
> Hello everybody,
> the new soundconverter (we have 0.8.1 - 0.8.2 was dropped somehow)
> contains a bunch of fixes we're interested in. 
> Diffstat and ChangeLog changes attached.
> Have a nice day,
>  Daniel

I would say: go for it :) There are not really new features and
everything noted in the changelog is either (UI) cleanup or bug fixing.


PS: soundconverter doesn't have gst 0.10 support yet?
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