UVF exc req for psi

Daniel Holbach dh at mailempfang.de
Tue Jan 24 08:17:30 GMT 2006

Hello everybody,

Am Dienstag, den 24.01.2006, 08:49 +0100 schrieb Lucas Nussbaum:
> +	Fixed authorization ping-pong issue.
> +	Fixed single-line edit. Now it should behave ok when pasting large chunks
> +	of text at a time. 
> +	Finally fixed that tabs bug that could cause segfaults and strange behaviours
> +	Fixed a memory leak in the Growl notification popups
> +	Applied Kris Vandenbroek's fix for the iconset tabs
> +	Support clicking on Growl notifications. Fix some possible memory leaks
> +	in GrowlNotifier.
> +	Fixed bug: when loading eventqueue. If account name for event is not 
> +	specified or incorrect, it's unable to display that message.

these points look like a good justification for this.

Have a nice day,

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