
Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Sun Jan 15 10:31:18 GMT 2006

CC:ing 318369 though only slighly related,

Am Donnerstag, den 12.01.2006, 14:25 +0200 schrieb Alistair Baty:
> Hi Bdale
> I am running Ubuntu Dapper AMD64 at home and want to know
> if you have been able to compile a 64bit version of
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/editors/xtrkcad
> I am a real shiney and so don't have much experience with
> linux (especially compiling etc.)
> If you don't have the time and can give me a rundown on how
> to create the "xtrkcad_3.1.4-1_amd64.deb" I could try do it
> for you and send it for posting online for others.

The package is basically 'just' an x86 only binary. Though, in ubuntu,
we have all of its dependencies compiled for 32bit in the package
ia32-libs. So it should be possible to run xtrkcad on amd64 without
chroot (because we have all libs compiled for 32bit).

Though, this solution is way from optimal, since there is a report in
the debian bts, #318369, that this software eventually became free
software, with a repo at sourceforge.net

I did a quick checkout of the repo there, and indeed found some source
there. But it seemed to be mostly abandoned software, the build system
is in a unsatisfactorily state and needs much work.
So unless somebody doesn't really do some work on the upstream side on
this, I fear that this software is not going to be developed any
further, sadly :(

Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
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