building Apache and Apache2 modules

Lionel Porcheron lionel at
Mon Dec 25 10:43:39 GMT 2006


Last week, I merged libapache-mod-jk, but it fails to build on buildd (I
did not updated my pbuilder before patching, my fault :-().

All the apache modules that build modules for Apache 2 and Apache 1 will
fail to build now we have Apache 2.2 in the archive. (I did not search
for all the modules, but there are several in the archive). 

This FTBFS is due to libaprutil1-dev (apache2-threaded-dev dependency)
depending on libdb4.4-dev whereas apache-dev depends on libdb4.3-dev.
This two versions are conflicting. Looking at apache changelog, we can
see that infinity changes the dependency on libdb4.4-dev to libdb4.3-dev
in apache 1. Now I think we want this transition. Is there any incidence
changing back dependency to libdb4.4 ?

Thanks !


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