hello Ubuntu!

Jonathan Aquilina eagles051387 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 19:38:02 GMT 2010

thanks for the feed back scott. ill star this email so i can do as you said
when i have some more time :)

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Scott Howard <showard314 at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> 2010/3/7 Jonathan Aquilina <eagles051387 at gmail.com>:
> > when i say packaging i mean packaging packages that have bugs filed on lp
> > that need to be packaged.
> An easy way to get started with that is to work on bugs with patches.
> There's been discussion on ubuntu-devel about the 2000 or so bugs that
> are filed in launchpad that have bug fix patches included. These
> patches need to be tested (to confirm that they fix the bug and don't
> introduce other bugs), then made into debdiffs, then sponsored.
> You'll need to know the MOTU getting started and packaging guide
> documentation, and ask on #ubuntu-motu for help, but here's a little
> guide:
> 1) on launchpad.net, do a bug search for "NEW" and "WITH PATCHES" --
> find one you like
> 2) download the source code (apt-get source <package name>) and apply
> the patch (read how-tos on the "patch" and "diff" commands to patch
> and generate patches)
> 3) build the package (pbuilder OR debbuild OR dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa
> and upload to launchpad for a PPA)
> 4) install the package (dpkg -i <package.deb> OR apt-get install
> <package> from a PPA), test functionality
> 5) create a debdiff of your working package (see the packaging guide for
> that)
> 6) upload to launchpad, subscribe sponsors
> You don't need to be a MOTU to do the above steps (I'm not a MOTU, but
> doing the above and merges/syncs is how I learned ubuntu/debian
> packaging).
> ~Scott

Jonathan Aquilina
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