Request of mentoring
Philip Herron
herron.philip at
Wed Oct 22 21:20:31 BST 2008
I am also new to the MOTU mailing list, and looking to contribute some
packages etc when i can on the weekends, your videos on youtube were
really good.
I am currently making some small patches for rhythmbox but i would like
to contribute to MOTU soon after for something to do on the weekends not
working :P.
Kind of proprotary hacker by day, linux hacker by night :P.
Anyways, i have a blog on
And some of my work tho some of the code i have up needs updated cause
its old and makes me look stupid! But what i would like to contribute to
MOTU is some kvm packages/libvirt as i work alot of kvm recently, and
some small i mean small linux kernel like code cleaning but i havent
submitted it back because i am too nervous of breaking everything
yet! :) but i just need more practice
But i think like with my rhythmbox patches i will start ...pretty small
packages like the tutorials you have and then see what goes from
there :)
I hope to start annoying you guys with some packaging questions soon
On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 11:42 +0200, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Vincenzo Ampolo schrieb:
> > I'm an italian student of university Politecnico di Milano interest in free
> > software and open source from 7 years and i use Ubuntu since Warty Warthog
> > before it i used debian.
> It's great you're deciding to help out in the MOTU team. Excellent!
> > When i used debian i packaged some applications for my little personal
> > repository, now i'm interested in the D programming language and i'm trying to
> > package its tool. In the meantime i want to contribute to ubuntu that in these
> > years gave me a lot of software.
> >
> > This is why i am submitting this request of mentoring. i've already built a
> > package called dsss and it's already on revu waiting for reviews. it can be
> > found here:
> >
> >
> >
> > In these days i'm packaging libtango, ,
> > a basic D library.
> I'm afraid it's too late to get the packages into Ubuntu Intrepid.
> > Can someone help me being a MOTU and upload these packages to the new release?
> The process for getting new packages reviewed and uploaded is explained
> over here:
> More info about working within the MOTU team is available here:
> If you have any specific questions, be sure to raise them on the list
> here and we'll try to help out where we can.
> Have a nice day,
> Daniel
> - --
> My 5 today: #285861 (pavuk), #287315 (example-content), #287221
> (gnome-applets), #286829 (ubuntu-docs), #208561 (example-content)
> Do 5 a day - every day!
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> =y0xc
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