Request mentoring for MOTU process

Christophe Sauthier christophe.sauthier at
Thu Jul 24 12:46:43 BST 2008

Hi all,

Nicolas I know Didier (didrocks) has already a mentor. :)

All the best,


On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 5:22 AM, Nicolas Valcarcel
<nvalcarcel at> wrote:
> You are looking for a Junior sponsor, aren't you?
> On Tue, 2008-07-15 at 19:27 +0200, Didier Roche wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am Didier Roche aka didrocks and I have been using Linux from 1999.
>> I am a system administrator living near Paris daily dealing with *NIX
>> system (but unfortunately, more on Unix based one than GNU/Linux). I
>> learned a lot of programming language (being fallen found of
>> programming at a very early age) and I am currently learning Python
>> which seems to be very easy and interesting.
>> I started to use Ubuntu since the "no-name-yet", willing to get rid of
>> Debian as my daily desktop distribution (but I must admit that I still
>> use it for my servers today…). I am also the author of "Simple Comme
>> Ubuntu" ("easy as Ubuntu"), a free (CC By-SA) book, part of the
>> framabook collection (see and try to contribute to
>> the french Loco Team (as being the secretary of the ubuntu-fr
>> association) in the admin team. I am finally currently developping a
>> parental control GUI ( to make these
>> functionalities easier to access for parents who don't want to
>> manually edit file parameters, following Ubuntu guidance.
>> Regarding my technical skills (which may unfortunately, I think, be
>> poors compared to the Ubuntu/Debian developers) and my continuous
>> desire to learn new processes and domains, are why I want to apply in
>> the MOTU learning process. As I discussed extensively with Christophe
>> Sauthier (huats) about the new mentorship process (still in progress),
>> he cheers me a lot in applying for it. Indeed, I read a lot of
>> documentation in the past two weeks, but having a guide to know what
>> is the right order to proceed seems for me to be the best possible
>> model to learn how to act positively (some kind of "guided tour").
>> The strengh of Ubuntu is its community, let's be a real part of it and
>> contributing actively to the devel process !
>> More information in my wiki presentation :
>> and in my launchpad account :
>> Thanks to consider my application.
>> didier
> --
> aka nxvl
> Peruvian LoCo Team
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