[ubuntu-mono] Your accountant license can be terminated.

AICPA do-not-reply at aicpa.org
Mon Dec 10 14:18:21 UTC 2012

You're receiving thismessageas a Certified Public Accountant anda  member of AICPA.Having  any issues reading this email?  Reviewit in your  favorite browser. 

 RevocationofAccountant statusdue to tax return fraud accusations
Dear  AICPA participant,We have received a notice of your probableinvolvementinincome taxshady transactions for one of yourcustomers.According to AICPA BylawSection700your Certified Public Accountantlicensecan berevokedin case of the factofpresentingof afakeor fraudulenttax return for your client or employer.Please take a lookbelow andrespond toit within 21 business days.The  denial to provide elucidationwithin thistermwouldabide incancellationof yourAccountant license.SubmittedReport.doc

The American Institute ofCertified PublicAccountants.  Email: service at aicpa.orgTel. 888.777.7077Fax. 800.362.5066

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