[ubuntu-mono] [Bug 478410] Re: Gnome-do randomly closes itself
Furkan Tunalı
478410 at bugs.launchpad.net
Sat Oct 2 22:50:59 UTC 2010
I have same randomly closing problem on maverick, it's really annoying.
Here is my an gnome-do session debug log, till it's closed:
Could not locate Tomboy on D-Bus. Perhaps it's not running?
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
(Do:21959): Wnck-CRITICAL **: wnck_set_client_type got called multiple
furkan at furkan-desktop:~$ gnome-do --debug
WARNING: [Do.Banshee,1.0] Could not load some add-in assemblies: File '/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.CollectionIndexer.dll' not found.
ERROR: Errors found in add-in '/usr/lib/gnome-do/plugins/Banshee.dll:
ERROR: The file '/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.CollectionIndexer.dll' referenced in the manifest could not be found.
[Info 01:26:03.785] [Services] Successfully located service of type IPreferencesService.
[Info 01:26:03.791] [Services] Successfully located service of type ILogService.
[Info 01:26:03.791] [Services] Successfully located service of type ISecurePreferencesService.
[Info 01:26:03.795] [Services] Successfully located service of type INotificationsService.
[Debug 01:26:03.798] [InterfaceManager] "Docky" interface was loaded
[Info 01:26:03.800] [Services] Successfully located service of type ILogService.
[Debug 01:26:03.800] [InterfaceManager] "Mini" interface was loaded
[Debug 01:26:03.801] [InterfaceManager] "Classic" interface was loaded
[Debug 01:26:03.801] [InterfaceManager] "Nouveau" interface was loaded
[Debug 01:26:03.802] [InterfaceManager] "Glass" interface was loaded
[Debug 01:26:03.806] [PluginManager] Loaded "SessionCommandsItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:03.807] [PluginManager] Loaded "YouTubeFavoriteItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:03.807] [PluginManager] Loaded "YouTubeSubscriptionItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:03.807] [PluginManager] Loaded "YouTubeOwnVideosItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:03.833] [PluginManager] Loaded "DriveItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:03.834] [PluginManager] Loaded "NotesItemSource" from plugin.
[Info 01:26:03.839] [Services] Successfully located service of type IPreferencesService.
[Info 01:26:03.839] [Services] Successfully located service of type ISecurePreferencesService.
[Info 01:26:03.842] [Services] Successfully located service of type ICoreService.
[Info 01:26:03.843] [Services] Successfully located service of type INetworkService.
[Debug 01:26:03.847] [PluginManager] Loaded "WeatherItemSource" from plugin.
[Info 01:26:03.857] [Services] Successfully located service of type AbstractApplicationService.
[Error 01:26:04.461] Missing login credentials. Please set login information in plugin configuration.
[Debug 01:26:04.461] [PluginManager] Loaded "FriendSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.463] [PluginManager] Loaded "InternalItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.463] [PluginManager] Loaded "ItemSourceItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.464] [PluginManager] Loaded "GDocsItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.465] [PluginManager] Loaded "ApplicationItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.465] [PluginManager] Loaded "GNOMESpecialLocationsItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.466] [PluginManager] Loaded "ProfileItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.467] [PluginManager] Loaded "FileItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.472] [PluginManager] Loaded "RecentFileItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.473] [PluginManager] Loaded "GCalendarItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.473] [PluginManager] Loaded "GMailItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.474] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenshotItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.482] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenItemSource" from plugin.
(Do:22013): Wnck-CRITICAL **: wnck_set_client_type got called multiple
[Info 01:26:04.486] [Services] Successfully located service of type PathsService.
[Debug 01:26:04.487] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.489] [PluginManager] Loaded "VolumeItemSource" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.490] [PluginManager] Loaded "EmailAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.490] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.492] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenUrlAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.493] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenWithAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.493] [PluginManager] Loaded "RevealAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.493] [PluginManager] Loaded "RunAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.494] [PluginManager] Loaded "LocateFilesAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.494] [PluginManager] Loaded "YouTubeSearchAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.494] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenVolume" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.494] [PluginManager] Loaded "MountAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.495] [PluginManager] Loaded "UnmountAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.495] [PluginManager] Loaded "PastebinAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.496] [PluginManager] Loaded "GoogleCalculatorAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.496] [PluginManager] Loaded "NewNoteAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.496] [PluginManager] Loaded "SearchNotesAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.497] [PluginManager] Loaded "DefineAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.498] [PluginManager] Loaded "PostAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.498] [PluginManager] Loaded "MapAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.498] [PluginManager] Loaded "GDocsUploadDocument" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.499] [PluginManager] Loaded "GDocsTrashDocument" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.499] [PluginManager] Loaded "CopyToClipboardAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.499] [PluginManager] Loaded "MakeUrlTinyAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.500] [PluginManager] Loaded "RunInTerminalAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.500] [PluginManager] Loaded "OpenTerminalHereAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.500] [PluginManager] Loaded "AptAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.501] [PluginManager] Loaded "NewFileAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.501] [PluginManager] Loaded "NewFolderAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.501] [PluginManager] Loaded "CopyAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.501] [PluginManager] Loaded "MoveAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.501] [PluginManager] Loaded "RenameAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.501] [PluginManager] Loaded "MoveToTrashAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.502] [PluginManager] Loaded "GCalendarNewEvent" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.502] [PluginManager] Loaded "GCalendarSearchEvents" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.502] [PluginManager] Loaded "ViewCalendarAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.502] [PluginManager] Loaded "ViewEventAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.502] [PluginManager] Loaded "RecentConversationsActions" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.504] [PluginManager] Loaded "InlineGoogleSearch" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.504] [PluginManager] Loaded "ImFeelingLucky" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.504] [PluginManager] Loaded "TakeScreenshotAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.505] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMinimizeAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.505] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMaximizeAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.505] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowCloseAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.505] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowFocusAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.505] [PluginManager] Loaded "WindowMoveAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.505] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenTileAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.505] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenCascadeAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.505] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenRestoreAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.506] [PluginManager] Loaded "ScreenSwapAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:26:04.506] [PluginManager] Loaded "ShowDesktopAction" from plugin.
[Info 01:26:04.506] [Services] Successfully located service of type AbstractSystemService.
[Debug 01:26:04.507] [SystemService] No other application instance detected. Continue startup.
[Debug 01:26:04.525] [Controller] Setting theme Docky
[Info 01:26:04.910] [UniverseManager] Reloading universe...
[Debug 01:26:04.911] [UniverseManager] Reloading actions...
[Debug 01:26:04.920] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Session Commands"...
[Error 01:26:05.067] [Youtube] Missing login credentials. Please set login information in YouTube plugin configuration.
[Debug 01:26:05.067] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Favorites"...
[Debug 01:26:05.068] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Subscriptions"...
[Debug 01:26:05.069] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "YouTube Videos"...
[Debug 01:26:05.072] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Drives"...
[Debug 01:26:05.073] [Youtube] Update favorites videos tries = 1 - favorite.Count : 0
[Debug 01:26:05.075] [Youtube] feedUrl for favorites videos: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/favorites?start-index=1&max-results=50
[Error 01:26:05.076] [Youtube] Error getting favorites videos - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:26:05.080] [Youtube] Update subscriptions tries = 1 - subscriptions.Count - 0
[Debug 01:26:05.080] [Youtube] Update own videos tries = 1 - own.Count : 0
[Debug 01:26:05.080] [Youtube] feedUrl for subscriptions: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/subscriptions
[Error 01:26:05.080] [Youtube] Error getting subscriptions - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:26:05.083] [Youtube] feedUrl for own videos: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/uploads?start-index=1&max-results=50
[Error 01:26:05.083] [Youtube] Error getting own videos - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:26:05.083] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateOwn () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:26:05.083] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Tomboy Notes"...
[Debug 01:26:05.083] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateFavorites () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:26:05.085] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateSubscriptions () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Could not locate Tomboy on D-Bus. Perhaps it's not running?
[Debug 01:26:05.135] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Weather Commands"...
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
[Debug 01:26:05.136] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Microblog friends"...
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
[Debug 01:26:05.136] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Internal GNOME Do Items"...
[Debug 01:26:05.137] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Do Item Sources"...
[Debug 01:26:05.213] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Google Docs"...
[Debug 01:26:05.214] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Applications"...
[Debug 01:26:05.349] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Special Locations"...
[Debug 01:26:05.363] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Terminal Profiles"...
[Debug 01:26:05.368] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Files and Folders"...
[Debug 01:26:05.379] [IndexedFolderCollection] Loaded Files and Folders plugin state.
[Info 01:26:05.387] [Services] Successfully located service of type IUniverseFactoryService.
[Debug 01:26:05.396] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Recent Files"...
[Debug 01:26:05.402] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Google Calendars"...
[Debug 01:26:05.407] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GMail Contacts"...
[Debug 01:26:05.408] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Screenshot Items"...
[Debug 01:26:05.410] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Window Screen Items"...
[Debug 01:26:05.410] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Generic Window Items"...
[Debug 01:26:05.411] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Volume Actions"...
[Info 01:26:05.412] [UniverseManager] Universe contains 324 items.
[Info 01:26:05.415] [AbstractWeatherSource] iGoogle: Reloading weather data
[Debug 01:26:05.418] [AbstractWeatherSource] iGoogle: Fetching XML file 'http://www.google.com/ig/api?hl=en&weather=istanbul'
[Debug 01:26:05.478] [RelevanceProvider] Successfully loaded learned usage data.
[Debug 01:26:11.757] [AbstractWeatherSource] iGoogle: Fetching XML file 'http://api.wunderground.com/auto/wui/geo/WXCurrentObXML/index.xml?query=istanbul'
WARNING: [Do.Banshee,1.0] Could not load some add-in assemblies: File '/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.CollectionIndexer.dll' not found.
ERROR: Errors found in add-in '/usr/lib/gnome-do/plugins/Banshee.dll:
ERROR: The file '/usr/lib/banshee-1/Banshee.CollectionIndexer.dll' referenced in the manifest could not be found.
[Debug 01:27:24.949] [PluginManager] Loaded "SSHAction" from plugin.
[Debug 01:27:24.949] [PluginManager] Loaded "SSHHostItemSource" from plugin.
[Info 01:27:52.432] [UniverseManager] Reloading universe...
[Debug 01:27:52.432] [UniverseManager] Reloading actions...
[Debug 01:27:52.433] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Session Commands"...
[Debug 01:27:52.433] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Favorites"...
[Debug 01:27:52.433] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Subscriptions"...
[Debug 01:27:52.434] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "YouTube Videos"...
[Debug 01:27:52.434] [Youtube] Update favorites videos tries = 2 - favorite.Count : 0
[Debug 01:27:52.434] [Youtube] feedUrl for favorites videos: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/favorites?start-index=1&max-results=50
[Error 01:27:52.434] [Youtube] Error getting favorites videos - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:27:52.434] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateFavorites () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:27:52.434] [Youtube] Update subscriptions tries = 2 - subscriptions.Count - 0
[Debug 01:27:52.434] [Youtube] feedUrl for subscriptions: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/subscriptions
[Error 01:27:52.434] [Youtube] Error getting subscriptions - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:27:52.434] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateSubscriptions () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:27:52.434] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Drives"...
[Debug 01:27:52.435] [Youtube] Update own videos tries = 2 - own.Count : 0
[Debug 01:27:52.435] [Youtube] feedUrl for own videos: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/uploads?start-index=1&max-results=50
[Error 01:27:52.435] [Youtube] Error getting own videos - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:27:52.435] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateOwn () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:27:52.435] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Tomboy Notes"...
Could not locate Tomboy on D-Bus. Perhaps it's not running?
[Debug 01:27:52.438] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Weather Commands"...
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
[Debug 01:27:52.438] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Microblog friends"...
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
[Debug 01:27:52.438] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Internal GNOME Do Items"...
[Debug 01:27:52.438] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Do Item Sources"...
[Debug 01:27:52.439] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Google Docs"...
[Debug 01:27:52.440] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Applications"...
[Debug 01:27:52.490] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Special Locations"...
[Debug 01:27:52.491] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Terminal Profiles"...
[Debug 01:27:52.492] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Files and Folders"...
[Debug 01:27:52.498] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Recent Files"...
[Debug 01:27:52.499] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Google Calendars"...
[Debug 01:27:52.499] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GMail Contacts"...
[Debug 01:27:52.499] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Screenshot Items"...
[Debug 01:27:52.499] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Window Screen Items"...
[Debug 01:27:52.499] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Generic Window Items"...
[Debug 01:27:52.499] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Volume Actions"...
[Debug 01:27:52.500] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "SSH Hosts"...
[Info 01:27:52.501] [UniverseManager] Universe contains 299 items.
[Debug 01:28:05.591] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Session Commands"...
[Debug 01:28:05.592] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Favorites"...
[Debug 01:28:05.592] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Subscriptions"...
[Debug 01:28:05.592] [Youtube] Update favorites videos tries = 3 - favorite.Count : 0
[Debug 01:28:05.592] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "YouTube Videos"...
[Debug 01:28:05.592] [Youtube] feedUrl for favorites videos: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/favorites?start-index=1&max-results=50
[Debug 01:28:05.592] [Youtube] Update subscriptions tries = 3 - subscriptions.Count - 0
[Error 01:28:05.592] [Youtube] Error getting favorites videos - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [Youtube] feedUrl for subscriptions: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/subscriptions
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateFavorites () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Drives"...
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [Youtube] Update own videos tries = 3 - own.Count : 0
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [Youtube] feedUrl for own videos: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/uploads?start-index=1&max-results=50
[Error 01:28:05.593] [Youtube] Error getting own videos - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Error 01:28:05.593] [Youtube] Error getting subscriptions - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateSubscriptions () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Tomboy Notes"...
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateOwn () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Could not locate Tomboy on D-Bus. Perhaps it's not running?
[Debug 01:28:05.593] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Weather Commands"...
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
[Debug 01:28:05.594] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Microblog friends"...
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
[Debug 01:28:05.594] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Internal GNOME Do Items"...
[Debug 01:28:05.594] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Do Item Sources"...
[Debug 01:28:05.595] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Google Docs"...
[Debug 01:28:05.595] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Applications"...
[Debug 01:28:05.643] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Special Locations"...
[Debug 01:28:05.643] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Terminal Profiles"...
[Debug 01:28:05.644] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Files and Folders"...
[Debug 01:28:05.651] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Recent Files"...
[Debug 01:28:05.651] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Google Calendars"...
[Debug 01:28:05.651] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GMail Contacts"...
[Debug 01:28:05.651] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Screenshot Items"...
[Debug 01:28:05.651] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Window Screen Items"...
[Debug 01:28:05.651] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Generic Window Items"...
[Debug 01:28:05.651] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Volume Actions"...
[Debug 01:28:05.652] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "SSH Hosts"...
[Debug 01:28:08.480] Retrieved 163 contacts
[Debug 01:28:24.154] Retrieved 163 contacts
[Debug 01:30:05.756] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Session Commands"...
[Debug 01:30:05.756] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Favorites"...
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Subscriptions"...
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] Update favorites videos tries = 4 - favorite.Count : 0
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "YouTube Videos"...
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] feedUrl for favorites videos: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/favorites?start-index=1&max-results=50
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] Update subscriptions tries = 4 - subscriptions.Count - 0
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Drives"...
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] feedUrl for subscriptions: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/subscriptions
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] Update own videos tries = 4 - own.Count : 0
[Error 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] Error getting subscriptions - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Error 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] Error getting favorites videos - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Tomboy Notes"...
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateSubscriptions () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateFavorites () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] feedUrl for own videos: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/JacopKane/uploads?start-index=1&max-results=50
[Error 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] Error getting own videos - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Debug 01:30:05.757] [Youtube] at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateOwn () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Could not locate Tomboy on D-Bus. Perhaps it's not running?
[Debug 01:30:05.774] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Weather Commands"...
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
[Debug 01:30:05.774] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Microblog friends"...
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
[Debug 01:30:05.774] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Internal GNOME Do Items"...
[Debug 01:30:05.774] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Do Item Sources"...
[Debug 01:30:05.775] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Google Docs"...
[Debug 01:30:05.775] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Applications"...
[Debug 01:30:05.903] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Special Locations"...
[Debug 01:30:05.904] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Terminal Profiles"...
[Debug 01:30:05.905] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Files and Folders"...
[Debug 01:30:05.911] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Recent Files"...
[Debug 01:30:05.911] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Google Calendars"...
[Debug 01:30:05.912] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GMail Contacts"...
[Debug 01:30:05.914] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Screenshot Items"...
[Debug 01:30:05.914] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Window Screen Items"...
[Debug 01:30:05.915] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Generic Window Items"...
[Debug 01:30:05.915] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Volume Actions"...
[Debug 01:30:05.915] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "SSH Hosts"...
[Debug 01:30:17.455] Retrieved 163 contacts
[Info 01:31:13.134] [Services] Successfully located service of type IEnvironmentService.
[Info 01:31:13.134] [EnvironmentService] Executing "gnome-system-monitor"
** (gnome-system-monitor:22158): WARNING **: SELinux was found but is
not enabled.
[Debug 01:32:06.004] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Session Commands"...
[Debug 01:32:06.004] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Favorites"...
[Debug 01:32:06.004] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Youtube Subscriptions"...
[Debug 01:32:06.004] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "YouTube Videos"...
[Debug 01:32:06.004] [Youtube] Update subscriptions tries = 5 - subscriptions.Count - 0
[Debug 01:32:06.005] [Youtube] Update favorites videos tries = 5 - favorite.Count : 0
Could not locate Tomboy on D-Bus. Perhaps it's not running?
Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: list modified
at System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList`1+Enumerator[Do.Platform.LogBase+LogCall].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Platform.LogBase.Write (LogLevel level, System.String msg, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Platform.Log`1[Do.Universe.Youtube].Debug (System.String msg, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Youtube.updateSubscriptions () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
Microblogging.FriendSource "Microblog friends" encountered an error in Items: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microblogging.Microblog.get_Friends () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Microblogging.FriendSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Do.Universe.Safe.SafeItemSource.get_Items () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 .
Gnome-do randomly closes itself
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
CLI/Mono Uploaders, which is subscribed to gnome-do-plugins in ubuntu.
Status in “gnome-do-plugins” package in Ubuntu: New
Bug description:
Binary package hint: gnome-do
I have installed gnome-do from the main repository, and it runs in the background on startup. I don't use the Docky interface, just the classic interface, and nearly none of the Gnome-Do plugins, just invoke it with the Summon Gnome-Do shortcut and then using it for launching applications.
However, from time to time, Gnome-Do has just stopped running and closed itself without any warning. It has disappeared from the Notification Area from the panel, and just isn't there. Launching it manually solves the issue, temporarily, until it again closes randomly with no warning.
I don't know where the Gnome-Do debug information is, but can provide it if I'm directed to its location.
ProblemType: Bug
Architecture: amd64
Date: Mon Nov 9 01:44:28 2009
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 9.10
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" - Release amd64 (20091027)
NonfreeKernelModules: fglrx
Package: gnome-do 0.8.2+dfsg-1
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.31-14.48-generic
SourcePackage: gnome-do
Uname: Linux 2.6.31-14-generic x86_64
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