[ubuntu-mono] Chiropractors - 108, 421 total records * 3, 414 emails * 6, 553 fax numbers

Lula rag greenberg at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 06:24:56 UTC 2010

Prices below are only valid until Friday


2 lists - $99 each
3 lists - $75 each
5 lists - $64 each
7 lists - $52 each

Choose from any list below:


> Complete US Physicians Database
> Chiropractic Doctors in the USA
> American Holistic Medicine Providers/Clinics
> General Dentists in the USA
> American Veterinarians & Veterinary Clinics
> US Hospitals 
> Nursing Homes int the US 
> Pharmaceutical Company Employees
> Physical/Occupational Therapy Clinics and Therapists in the US
> Oncology Physicians in the US
> US Surgery Centers
> Massage Therapists/Therapy Clinics in America
> Acupuncturists/clinics in the US
> Medical Equipment Suppliers(USA)
> Mental Health Counselors (USA)
> Optometrists/Clinics (USA)
> Psychologists (USA)


> Hotels in the USA
> Realtors in the USA 
> USA Business Database 
> Manufacturer Database (USA)
> Financial Planner Database (USA)
> Finance & Professionals Database (USA)


> USA Consumer Database 
> Credit Inquiries Database (USA)
> American Homeowners


> USA Lawyers Database 
> Criminal Attorneys in the US

Email me for counts, breakdowns and sample spreadsheets: datasolid at gmx.com


Send email to purgefile at gmx.com to ensure no further communication

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