[ubuntu-mono] Hello

Laurie lauriehack14 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 18:04:56 UTC 2009


You're invited to join the BUSINESS SPACE - the fastest growing Professional network, where you can meet 1000's of like-minded business people while advertising your business at the same time! 
Many serious entrepreneurs, locally and from around the world, will view your contact and business information. You're business will thrive with this kind of exposure!
*Profile Power Ads
*Various Classifieds
*Yellow Pages
*Networking Searches
*Business Resources
*Press Releases
*Discounts w/ Major Retailers 
*Blogs   *Forums   *Videos   *Skype

I love networking with professionals like yourself and look forward to reading your profile!


See you there!


**One Invite per Email Address** 
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