[ubuntu-mono] Physician Contact List in America

Castillo Lucinda dontemailhere at static-200-105-201-147.acelerate.net
Sun Apr 19 11:23:31 UTC 2009

Currently Practicing Physicians in America 

788,356 in total <> 17,080 emails

Lots of Doctors in specialties like Orthopedics, Surgery, Radiology, Dermatology, Neurology, General Practice etc..

you can sort by many different fields like city, state or zip

Cost just slashed -  $396

<><><> Receive the items below as a Bon.US if  you order this week =======

Contact List of American Pharma Companies
47,000 personal emails and names of decision makers

American Hospitals
23,000 Admins in more than 7,000 hospitals {a $399 value]

Directory of US Dentists
597,000 dentists and dental services ( a $350 value!) 

American Chiropractors Directory
100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax

your rep is -       Cohen at medexecdata.com


valid thru Apr 17

To invoke no further correspondence status please send an email to delrem at medexecdata.com

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