[ubuntu-mono] Real estate agents are required

arvy hall YTparks at putty.com
Fri Sep 26 06:13:36 UTC 2008


It's  Chris  Schultze,  realty  manager.  We  found  your email in the 
database of the applicants for a job.

If  you are not in search of a job and you are not interested in extra
earnings  (money),  ignore  this  letter  please  and I'm so sorry for
concern.  If  you  need  a  job, you have a good chance to work in our
estate agency.

We are searching for:
- financial representatives 

Our work will not take much time and will not interfere with you. Your
starting  salary will be from €2,500.00 (depending on employees plan),
which  will  be  paid  to  you in accordance with our standard payroll
procedures.  In addition, you will be eligible for bonuses. Our agency
enlarges the stuff in Europe and Australia  due to  increasing  demand 
for immovable property in your country.

Get in touch with us and join our company. E-mail : treenity.corp at gmail.com

                                         Yours respectfully,
                                         Chris Schultze
                                         HR manager

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