[ubuntu-mono] Successful career

cris siuping v5info at mayhewanimalhome.org
Fri Oct 17 14:30:04 UTC 2008

Welcome to the Shamrock holding !   

Let me introduce. My name is Ashly Cole. I am a human resource manager of Shamrock Capital Advisors.  I would like to suggest you to join to our team as the Asset Manager of Shamrock Capital Advisors. 

The main responsibility of the Asset Manager is providing support the process of  the movement funds between our customers. We collaborate exclusively with private clients. Their requirement is receiving money with a high speed for investing in their business in time.

That is why we have developed a new kind of financial and banking service to meet the demands of our customers and get involved new clients. By this reason we opened a new position “Asset Manager” who will be putting into practice this service. This is part-time job. It takes 3-4 hours per day except holidays.

At the first time you will be performing a basic task. You will be making transfers for our clients  to suit their needs. Our managers will assist you during the trial period and explain everything you will need to know.  

We offer an extremely competitive graduated salary. It means you will earn up to $2,700.00 at the first month then your salary will be increased. 

Now you  should do the only one step to a successful career! All you need is to send e-mail with a contact number and right time to reach you to AshlyCole.hr.department at gmail.com. One of our managers will contact you and answer to your questions.

Best regards,
Ashly Cole 
HR Manager

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