[ubuntu-mono] [Bug 42863] Re: banshee weird behavior and random freezes

Benjamin Woods woodsb02 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 11:44:30 UTC 2006

I am running the latest edgy and banshee version 0.10.12-1ubuntu1.
Perhaps there is an update I don't have yet.

Either way - it's actually fixed in this version! (I imagine it is also
fixed in 0.11 but cannot yet confirm this).

I do however still get an error at the command line with this version:
(Banshee:11155): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: GdkPixbufLoader finalized without calling gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() - this is not allowed. You must explicitly end the data stream to the loader before dropping the last reference.

Also - my ipod doesnt seem to be readable in this version. But it works
in rhythmbox.

Perhaps 0.11 will fix this... i might manually grab it from the
repositories and give it a go.

I will report back on that version soon.

banshee weird behavior and random freezes

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