[ubuntu-mono] [Bug 72047] after upgrade to Edgy, beagle doesn't work

David Rasch rasch at raschnet.com
Thu Nov 16 15:25:16 GMT 2006

Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: beagle

The crash below occurs when running "beagle-status" in another window

rasch at hedwig:/var/cache/beagle$ beagled --fg
Debug: Starting Beagle Daemon (version 0.2.9)
Debug: Running on Mono
Debug: Command Line: /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --fg
Warn: Extended attributes are not supported on this filesystem.  Performance will suffer as a result.
Debug: Established a connection to the X server
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+IndexingConfig from indexing.xml
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+DaemonConfig from daemon.xml
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+SearchingConfig from searching.xml
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+NetworkingConfig from networking.xml
Debug: Loading Beagle.Util.Conf+WebServicesConfig from webservices.xml
Debug: Starting main loop
Debug: Beginning main loop
Debug: Starting messaging server
Debug: Starting QueryDriver
Debug: Found index helper at /usr/lib/beagle/beagled-index-helper
Debug: Found 1 backends in /usr/lib/beagle/Backends/ThunderbirdBackends.dll
Warn: KMail backend: /home/rasch/Mail contains a maildir directory but no corresponding index file. Probably not a KMail mail directory. Ignoring this location!
Debug: KMail folders not found. Will keep trying 
Debug: Starting Inotify Backend
Debug: KonqCacheDir: /var/tmp/kdecache-rasch/http
Debug: Found 10 backends in /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemonLib.dll
Debug: Reading mapping from filters
Debug: Loading user-configured static indexes.
Debug: Found 0 user-configured static indexes..
Debug: Waiting 60 seconds before starting queryables
Debug: Starting Scheduler thread
Debug: Starting Inotify threads
Debug: Daemon initialization finished after .50s
Debug: Starting queryables
Debug: Starting backend: 'Thunderbird'
Debug: Starting backend: 'KMail'
Debug: Starting Thunderbird backend
Debug: Starting backend: 'Files'
Debug: Adding root: /home/rasch
Error: Unhandled exception thrown.  Exiting immediately.
Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteSyntaxException: no such table: file_attributes
at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.GetNextStatement (intptr,intptr&,intptr&) <0x00124>
at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior,bool,int&) <0x000da>
at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior) <0x0001d>
at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader () <0x0000f>
at Beagle.Util.SqliteUtils.ExecuteReaderOrWait (Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand) <0x00032>
at Beagle.Daemon.FileAttributesStore_Sqlite..ctor (string,string) <0x00588>
at Beagle.Daemon.FileAttributesStore_Mixed..ctor (string,string) <0x0003f>
at Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.FileSystemQueryable.BuildFileAttributesStore () <0x00049>
at Beagle.Daemon.LuceneQueryable.get_FileAttributesStore () <0x00018>
at Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.FileSystemQueryable.AddDirectory (Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.DirectoryModel,string) <0x00184>
at Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.FileSystemQueryable.AddRoot (string) <0x000e4>
at Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.FileSystemQueryable.LoadConfiguration () <0x00047>
at Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.FileSystemQueryable.Start () <0x00026>
at Beagle.Daemon.Queryable.Start () <0x00031>
at Beagle.Daemon.QueryDriver.StartQueryables () <0x00109>
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate.invoke_bool () <0x00047>
at TimeoutProxy.Handler () <0x0002a>
at (wrapper native-to-managed) TimeoutProxy.Handler () <0x00036>
in (unmanaged) 0xb7e9bdd5
at (wrapper managed-to-native) GLib.MainLoop.g_main_loop_run (intptr) <0x00004>
at GLib.MainLoop.Run () <0x0000d>
at Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon.DoMain (string[]) <0x00ab3>
at Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon.Main (string[]) <0x00014>

** Affects: beagle (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: Unconfirmed

after upgrade to Edgy, beagle doesn't work

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