Disaster recovery Adfinis AG Mirror

Matthias Huser matthias.huser at adfinis.com
Thu Jan 26 07:30:19 UTC 2023


two days ago the hardware of our mirror broke. We have been working with 
high priority to get it up and running again as soon as possible, 
unfortunately without success so far.
To get the mirror back online quickly, we have rented a server from 
Hetzner for a month. During this time we want to bring our own system 
back online under the known IP.

In the meantime
* ipv4:
* ipv6: 2a01:4f8:200:12d7::2

As soon as our mirror is online, I will inform you again.

Best regards
Matthias Huser
Adfinis AG
Matthias Huser, System Engineer

Güterstrasse 86 | CH-4053 Basel
Tel. 061 500 31 31
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