Mirror setup

Charles Chambers cchamb2 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 14:14:00 UTC 2022

As I'm understanding from 
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rsyncmirror,  this command line 
triggers the initial download from a single source:

# rsync -a --bwlimit=128 rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu 

My source for a mirror (closest available to me) would be the University 
of Arizona.  It's corresponding source would be:


So the command line becomes:

# rsync -a --bwlimit=128 rsync://mirror.arizona.edu/ubuntu /media/[local 

As I'm understanding from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors/Scripts , the 
two scripts retrieve files from two sources, one for packages and one 
for cdrom images.  According to Launchpad ( 
https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors AND 
https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors ), these sources would be:


For archives (RELEASES), doesn't the second rsync command duplicate the 
script used to download EVERYTHING?  That command line is:

rsync --bwlimit=8192 --progress --recursive --times --links --safe-links 
--hard-links \
   --stats --delete --delete-after \

where RSYNCSOURCE = rsync://mirror.arizona.edu/ubuntu


BASEDIR = /media/[local directory]/ubuntu-releases/

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