Posting to web server

Thomas Ward teward at
Mon Oct 21 01:05:27 UTC 2019

On 10/20/19 8:38 PM, Charles Chambers wrote:
> I've got a current copy of the mirror downloaded, and I'm confused on
> one point.
> The repository is set up at /media/8TB/ubuntu-mirror.  The directories
> are below that, and rsync is working to update that target directory.

Slightly different setup here, but I have a /srv/repository-mirror/ 
directory on my system set up as the mount point for the disk drive 
which holds my repository mirror.  This is pretty simple to set up, but 
where you've mounted things is irrelevant - it's the webserver setup 
parts that's specifically critical.

You *probably* need to point your webserver's docroot to 
/media/8TB/ubuntu-mirror for your web server which is running on the 
same machine.

> I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 for the web server.  I have port forwarding set
> up on my router to redirect calls to the public IP (currently
> to the web server, which I know still needs some content.
> However, I can't figure out how to set it up so that a URL of
> somehow draws content from
> /media/8TB/ubuntu-mirror.

That's a question of setting up the web server and access permissions 
properly.  Have you started this setup process?  If so, what web server 
and what is your current setup?

>    Ancillary question would be how do I finish
> the setup so that Apache2 would show the mirror from an address of, for
> instance, http://[mirror].  This would be preferred, as I
> also have the cdimage repository correctly mirrored, and stored at
> /media/8TB/ubuntu-cdimage, and would like to use
> http://[cdimage]. for the URL.

Yeah, you can't have [text].[IPADDRESS] for a URL.  IP address bare, or 
get and use a domain with the URL.  This is just an Internet-ism, and 
DNS related, and how URL(s) are constructed.

> The end result would be conformance with whatever the structure is that
> is reflected in a sources.list file.
> Charlie
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