Repository space

Thomas Ward teward at
Mon Apr 8 13:59:50 UTC 2019

The 1.3 TB of space is for the *current* archives - i386, amd64, Sources
as is on  To my knowledge, this doesn't include
old-releases which needs a separate sync (either ftpsync or rsync) down
to disk, and probably in its own directory root unless you use some
arcane black magic with your syncing.

I made an inquiry with the Mirrors Team (and therefore the Canonical
sysadmins as a result), I was provided with the information that the
approximate disk size on-disk for the data is
about 4.2 TB.

Which means you will need 1.3TB (currently supported releases) + 4.2 TB
(old-releases) for a total of 5.5TB space on disk to hold all that
data.  And remember that the ubuntu archives and the old-releases
archives sit on separate sync points, so you might have an *extra* long
download time period, and extra bandwidth usage beyond what you
initially anticipated.


On 4/8/19 9:45 AM, Charles Chambers wrote:
> The space is not a problem.  I'm dedicating an 8TB drive to the
> mirroring, and I'm bringing it down slowly enough (3mb per second) that
> my provider won't get too hot about it.  If 1.3T is enough for
> everything from both old-releases and from archive, then it's all good.
> Charlie
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2019 07:36:35 +0200
>> From: Brent Clark <brentgclarklist at>
>> To: ubuntu-mirrors at
>> Subject: Re: Repository space
>> Message-ID: <042bb016-f01d-dc95-0fc3-fed49636ed5c at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> You can bring it down by specifying only the architectures that is of 
>> interest to you and you are willing to mirror.
>> I.e amd64 and i386.
>> If you are using ftpsync
>> ARCH_INCLUDE="amd64 i386 source"
>> HTH
>> Brent
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