cloud-images mirror path for 16.04

Daniel Llewellyn daniel at
Thu Mar 30 19:51:04 UTC 2017


The problem is the cloud-images hostname is a round-robin or other form of
DNS load balancing IIRC, so different people hit differing mirror servers
depending on location or randomness. It is likely that the particular
mirror that your DNS resolver was provided might be wonky, but other
mirrors are fine. Try again in a few minutes and you might be lucky to hit
another mirror which hasn't been misconfigured.

On 30 March 2017 at 20:45, shubjero <shubjero at> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Forgive me if this is not the right mailing list but I have noticed that
> the 'release' directory for Ubuntu 16.04 cloud image is no longer present.
> I picked up on this when my glance image updating script was no longer able
> to detect if there was a new Ubuntu 16.04 image available (it checks
> /16.04/release).
> (Forbidden)
> Other versions of Ubuntu still contain the /release directory and it is
> assumed that the latest build is always present in /release with deprecated
> releases getting a timestamped directory.
> Working examples:
> Could someone please restore the latest build of the Ubuntu 16.04 cloud
> image to 16.04/release/ please?
> Thank you very much,
> Jared Baker
> --
> ubuntu-mirrors mailing list
> ubuntu-mirrors at

Daniel Llewellyn
Bowl Hat
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