New mirror

Christopher Perrin perrin at
Tue Feb 7 14:35:20 UTC 2017

The port should now be open. I forgot to open it on our outside firewall.

Am 07.02.2017 um 01:10 schrieb Paul Collins:
> I see the problem.  Mirrors only appear on our dashboard when
> "Apply to be an official mirror of this distribution" is checked.
> I've checked this on your behalf and reviewed the mirror.
> http looks fine, but rsync connections time out; please either fix
> this or else remove rsync from the mirror registration.
> Regards,
> Paul
> "Perrin, Christopher" <perrin at> writes:
>> Sure. It’s:
>> Von: Paul Collins<mailto:paul.collins at>
>> Gesendet: Montag, 6. Februar 2017 23:55
>> An: Perrin, Christopher<mailto:perrin at>
>> Cc: ubuntu-mirrors at<mailto:ubuntu-mirrors at>
>> Betreff: Re: New mirror
>> Christopher Perrin <perrin at> writes:
>>> I have added a new mirror for the University of Trier and it has been
>>> in the "Pending review" state for a while now. Is there an additional
>>> step I missed to get it reviewed?
>> For some reason they're not showing on our pending-review dashboard.
>> Can you supply the Launchpad mirror registrations links, please?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Paul Collins
>> Wellington, New Zealand

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Christopher Perrin
Raum:   E2a
E-Mail: perrin at
Tel.:   0651 - 201 3450

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