Permissions on precise/quantal in archive mirrors

Mattias Geniar mattias at
Fri Sep 28 13:19:49 UTC 2012

Hi List,

First of all, apologies if I missed it. I searched the archives from the
mailing list and the Wiki but couldn't find an answer.

We recently set up an Ubuntu archive mirror, but the dists/* directory
contains a precise & quantal directory with insufficient permissions
that is causing HTTP requests returning 403s.

Here's our directory list (trimmed, so it doesn't show the
# ll ubuntu/dists/
total 148K
drwxr-xr-x 37 root  root  4.0K Apr 26 14:33 .
drwxr-xr-x  6 nginx nginx 4.0K Sep 27 11:24 ..
drwxr-xr-x  6 root  root  4.0K Oct 14  2011 oneiric
drwx------  6 root  root  4.0K Apr 26 08:30 precise
drwx------  6 root  root  4.0K Sep 27 08:12 quantal

And legitimate HTTP requests are made to those directories:
<stripped IP> - - [27/Sep/2012:09:08:48 +0200] "GET
//dists/precise-backports/restricted/binary-i386/Packages HTTP/1.1" 403
169 "-" "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.2)" "-"
<stripped IP> - - [27/Sep/2012:09:08:48 +0200] "GET
//dists/precise-backports/universe/binary-i386/Packages HTTP/1.1" 403
169 "-" "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.2)" "-"

Is this normal behavior we can safely ignore? Or are we missing
something obvious about the permission scheme on the dists/precise or
dists/quantal releases?
We used the 2 fase rsync scripts for their simplicity and rsynced from a
Belgian upstream (rsync:// but a
Dutch rsync shows the same results at

Kind regards
Mattias Geniar

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