[Mirrors] SSH errors from archives trigger

Imre Gergely imre.gergely at upc.ro
Sat Nov 19 23:39:48 UTC 2011

On 11/19/2011 07:39 PM, Lance Albertson wrote:
> On 11/16/2011 09:05 AM, Lance Albertson wrote:
>> I started noticing in the last few days that our archive mirror has
>> stopped being up to date automatically. Upon further investigation I
>> noticed something odd in our sshd logs from the ubuntu ftpsync client
>> trying to connect:
>> Nov 16 15:51:34 ftp-osl.osuosl.org sshd[10504]: Address
>> maps to sadashbia.canonical.com, but this does not map back to the
>> Nov 16 15:51:35 ftp-osl.osuosl.org sshd[10504]: error:
>> RSA_public_decrypt failed: error:0407006A:lib(4):func(112):reason(106)
>> Nothing major has changed on this machine recently, especially during
>> the window this started to happen. I first started to see this error at
>> Nov 15 17:25:03 UTC. Is this a known issue or did something change
>> recently one your end that may be causing this?
> Any update on this? Should I be making a ticket for this on launchpad?
> I'm still having to manually sync this repo which is suboptimal.

Same here.

You could put the sync scripts in a crontab until this gets fixed (and
possibly disable SSH access until we get some answers on the list, just
in case...).

Imre Gergely
ISP Support Engineer
UPC Romania | http://www.upc.ro
subkeys.pgp.net 0x34525305

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