Ubuntu archive changing soon after push.

Simon Blake simon at citylink.co.nz
Fri Feb 18 04:42:25 UTC 2011

Hi all, sorry for the scattershot, wasn't sure where to send this.

Recently, I changed the mirror scripts on nz.archive.ubuntu.com from my 
homegrown scripts to the Debian ftpsync tools, which are more 
reliable and generally just work better.  

One of the things that ftpsync does that is mildly annoying is send an 
email every time an rsync exits with returncode 24 (Partial transfer due 
to vanished source files).  Looking through my logs, over the last 14 
ftpsync runs (about four days), six runs have exited with code 24, and 
three with code 23.

Generally, my ftpsync runs appear to be completing in under half an 
hour, with some taking more than an hour, and the odd monster two hours.  
Correlating against the return codes, the half hour runs seem to run 
without error, but runs of longer than 45 minutes seem to reliably have 
files pulled from underneath them.

any chance the window of no change could be extended to perhaps an hour?  
I don't see the same problems with my Debian push mirrors, although they 
do seem to complete in about 20 minutes - probably because they're only 
40ms away rather than 140ms to syncproxy.ubuntu.com.


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