server certificate verification failed - mirror + ssl

Berge Schwebs Bjørlo berge at
Mon Apr 4 17:51:07 UTC 2011

On Mon, Apr 04, 2011 at 01:31:36PM -0300, Felipe Agnelli Barbosa wrote:
> I installed apache with SSL, and is running round, but when I run an apt-get
> update on the client, he accuses this error:
> Err https: / / [my server] lucid / universe Sources
>    server certificate verification failed. CAFile: / etc / ssl / certs / ca-
> certificates.crt CRLfile: none

I guess apt doesn't trust the CA.

> I generated the key, signed, access via https in the browser.

Signed by which CA? A common, well-known?

> I have to copy this certificate generated on the mirror for each client
> station?

I'm sure you could, but what are you trying to solve? Packages are already
cryptologically signed, so what's there to gain by adding SSL?


Berge Schwebs Bjørlo

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