More one default server by country

Mon May 3 09:53:02 BST 2010


For distribute the charge between more than one mirror server in large country, why Ubuntu cd does-not select the mirror by default with the reverse-DNS of the public IP ?

If the user check "France" starting the cd :
- If the reverse DNS belong to ISP Orange => use the mirror of Orange
- If the reverse DNS belong to ISP Free => use the mirror of Free
- If the reverse DNS belong to ISP SFR => use the mirror of OVH (SFR does not have Ubuntu mirror)
- If the reverse DNS belong to ISP Bouygues Telecom => use the futur Mirror of Bouygues Telecom
- Other reverse DNS =>

For change server easily, the ubuntu team can create "" for user of ISP Orange, "", ...

Today, when is saturated, it is impossible to download the French language pack automatically with the first install. :-(

Excuse-me for my poor English.

Vivien Guéant

Bouygues Telecom (french ISP)
Email: vgueant at

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