About "noncdn" links

Gokdeniz Karadag gokdeniz.karadag at linux.org.tr
Fri Oct 30 13:20:47 GMT 2009


On many of the ubuntu 9.10 release news,
links to files at "noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com" were given.
And that seems to be dns round-robin of some number of servers.

Is this supposed to happen ? I mean, did people "dig" that URL and linked to it
in effort to provide a "direct link" or it was given out in some of the

For the next release, I suggest all "direct" links to be disabled or hidden.
And ALL downloads go through a redirector like Mirror Brain (
http://mirrorbrain.org/ ), which redirects the user to a mirror that has the
requested file and that is located closer to the client.
That saves the user from the hassle of selecting a mirror manually, in addition
to easing the burden a lot on master servers.

I also suggest torrent links to be more emphasized, as they reduce load on ALL
mirrors. Currently torrent links are buried under links.

I hope ubuntu mirror are reading this list :)

Gokdeniz Karadag

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