rsync access

Mark Schouten mark at
Tue Oct 6 15:06:16 BST 2009

Hi All,

Please be advised about an upcoming changes to rsync/ftp access to Currently you can rsync/ftp directly from that
hostname, in the near future this will be changed so that will only support http. (See [1])

Please switch to <country-code> or to sync from, where obviously the local mirror
is preferred.

Also, new guidelines have been defined for mirrors, and new requirements
for country mirrors. You can find the guidelines here [2] and the
requirements here [3].

Since the release of the Karmic Koala is only 23 days away, all your
help in mirroring Ubuntu is welcome. Please look into the syncing
frequency as proposed on the wiki.

We are also looking for local (country) mirrors. If your country doesn't
have it's own mirror yet, please look at the 'Country mirror
requirements' and see if you can (and want to) meet them. Contact
mirrors at to discuss the possibilities and get your questions

To get a better insight on the reachability of Ubuntu mirrors, I've
configured Nagios-monitoring on all mirrors. Currently, importing all
the mirrors is done manually but I plan to automate this very soon. Only
archive-mirrors are checked now, releases mirrors will follow soon too.
If someone is interested in receiving notifications about the
reachability of their mirror, please contact me off-list. Not only is
the reachability checked, the check also tries to find out how far your
mirror is behind on the main mirror.
If you want to look into this data, please use guest/guest to login into
[4] and have fun.

Please send feedback on what you need/expect/want to make the
Ubuntu-mirror-network more robust. Feedback can also be given on
#ubuntu-mirrors on the freenode IRC network.


Thanks, and regards!

Mark Schouten <mark at>
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