mirroring a subset of packages
Christian Bjälevik
nafallo at magicalforest.se
Wed Jun 20 18:23:35 BST 2007
Hi Fernan,
ons 2007-06-20 klockan 14:20 -0300 skrev Fernan Aguero:
> Hi!
> We have a number of machines running Ubuntu in the lab. Right now all
> of them download the updates. Instead we'd like to download them only
> once and have all machines update from our own internal archive.
> But we don't have too much space and we'd like to mirror only what we
> use: we'd like to avoid mirroring Ubuntu packages for PowerPC, Sparc,
> and also some older releases.
> I've checked the two staging script mentioned in the archives:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive/Syncscripts
> and it seems like I could add a couple of extra --exclude lines to
> do what I want. But I don't know the organization of the archive
> well enough, so I'm asking for guidance to get the correct exclude
> invocations :)
> Would these work?
> --exclude '*-powerpc'
> --exclude '*_powerpc.deb'
> --exclude '*-sparc'
> --exclude '*_sparc.deb'
> --exclude 'dapper-*
> Anyone doing something similar?
You would end up syncing dapper anyway. I would suggest that you take a
look at apt-proxy or debmirror instead :-).
Cheers, /N
Christian Bjälevik <nafallo at magicalforest.se>
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