From haw.loeung at Fri Jun 7 04:21:35 2024 From: haw.loeung at (Haw Loeung) Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 14:21:35 +1000 Subject: Ensure using correct endpoints for rsync; switch to dedicated rsync endpoints Message-ID: Hi, We're making some major architecture changes to the Ubuntu Archive servers. At present, a single set of servers handle requests for both (HTTP) as well as (RSYNC). We plan to split this to improve performance as well as allow us to better scale to the increasing demand today and in the future. For this to happen, we need cooperation from Community operated mirror admins. Please ensure that your Community operated mirror is rsyncing from either of the following rsync endpoints: For Ubuntu Archive: * (GB/UK) * (USA) Please select one of the two depending on which is closest to the location your mirror is in or simply **. For Ubuntu CD images / releases: * (GB/UK) * (USA) Please select one of the two depending on which is closest to the location your mirror is in or simply **. Thank you for your time and resources in volunteering to run your Community operated Ubuntu mirror. Regards, Haw (on behalf of Canonical IS) -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 228 bytes Desc: not available URL: