<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:verdana,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:14pt;color:#000000;"><div>Hola,<br><br>First, I want to say that since we understand each other so the problem of language is not a <br>real one. The Ubuntu philosophy is clear on this topic every one should use Ubuntu in his <br>native language.<br><br>Second, for the Ubuntu meeting days that I suggested to do in EL JADIDA I want to make <br>clear some points: The meeting does not need any sponsoring it isn't an International event it<br>is all just about between friends meeting just to say that there is an other OS different from <br>Windows and that can be really useful. That's all... ;-)<br><br>For the CDs I do not think that we will need them as I download the image from Ubuntu.com<br> and I have already burn it , it works!<br><br>Something more, all the people speak about the help of a
company NEXTMA for the meeting<br> ....really I wonder if read the emails correctly or not. I didn't see any proposition from this <br>company addressed to me, please can NEXTMA clarify?<br><br>Finally, I would like to say something please when you reply to the list just write your reply <br>directly to the ubuntu email and do not include all the list emails and of course the responsible <br>of the list will send us the emails on "volume & parution".<br><br>Friendly,<br><br>A.SELLAM<br></div>
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