[Ubuntu-ma] OpenOffice.org n'existe plus
bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Mer 29 Sep 08:28:36 BST 2010
It's just the community behind it that stopped with OpenOffice and
continue with the TEMPORARY name LibreOffice. I hope that Oracle will
donate us the name OpenOffice, cause that's the property of Oracle since
they bought Sun Microsystems.
I don't understand why we say Vive LibreOffice, it's not that great. I
hope we keep the name OpenOffice, cause the whole world is using that.
If we are lucky, Oracle will be kind enough to help the opensource
community instead of sueing companies to court, like they do with Google
about using Java for Android. That's the power of money...
On 29-9-2010 2:34, Ahmed MANSOUR wrote:
> Open Office est mort... vive www.libreoffice.org :)
> PS: et la version peu connus pour enfants www.ooo4kids.org
> Le 28 septembre 2010 20:52, Azzaddine Amjahed<aamjahed at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Assalaam alaykoum,
>> Voir aussi : http://linuxfr.org/2010/09/28/27425.html
>> Vive le libre ! C'est ce que je disais toujours au gens : Même si
>> OpenOffice fermera ces portes, alors on aura la possibilté d'avoir des
>> logiciels lisants le format OpenDocument.
>> Wa assalaam alaykoum.
>> --
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